wine by the color

Thursday, August 31, 2006

Finally, excitement in the skies!

I was delighted to receive the travel equivalent of a golden ticket this morning – an e-mail notification that I had been upgraded to first class. Whenever one is traveling across country (in this case – to Phoenix), it’s extra special to get the bump.

So after an uneventful arrival and check-in at EWR, I settled into seat 4A and put on my headphones. Moments later, a short, elderly man walked down the aisle and settled into seat 4C.

“Holy crap,” I said to myself. “That’s Henry Kissinger.”

And indeed it was.

Given my general apathy toward all things political, I must pat myself on the back for even recognizing the man. But there was no question in my mind that it was him, which was confirmed when several people walked by and addressed him by name.

I’m not unaccustomed to encountering famous people, but for some reason this sighting really fired me up. I think it might be because I felt I was sitting next to an embodiment of American political history. That doesn’t happen every day. Sports stars and actors are one thing, but this is a man who has had a front-row seat to events that shaped our nation.

Except for a brief exchange regarding a dropped item, I did not speak with him. I didn’t want to bother him. Several people stopped and asked for autographs as they walked past.

For anyone who might be curious, Dr. Kissinger did not take advantage of the complimentary Continental headphones to watch “Dr. Doolittle 3.” Smart move. I wish the person in seat 4A had been so smart.

He did, however, read the sports sections of both the USA Today and New York Times. He also read the dining section of the Times. It’s good to be well-rounded.


  • At 8/31/2006 5:20 AM, Blogger Brooke said…

    OMG! I'm practically two degrees from Henry Kissinger!

    That IS pretty cool. Considering how often you have to travel, I'm especially happy for you that you got to sit in first class AND set sights on such an important public figure.

    No matter a person's politics, that's something that can't be denied.

    Now, if only you could get yourself on a flight with Ben Roethlisberger ...

  • At 8/31/2006 5:43 PM, Blogger Todd Cohen said…

    I would have PAID money to see him in that seat with a copy of "Swank"


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