wine by the color

Friday, August 24, 2007

It's easy to forget the difference three little letters can make, until you go looking for possible tour dates for your favorite musical artist here and instead wind up here.

The good news is that option #4 on the list of possible future endeavors from a month ago is looking pretty good.


  • At 8/27/2007 1:08 PM, Blogger Joependleton said…

    JG: A former disgrunted copy editor in Bridgewater who's in the know music-wise says the big rumor is Bruce and the Boys at the new home of your Jersey Devils on New Year's Eve.

    Of course, that would be a tough call, because while it would be a great event, it would be amatuer hour times 300 as far as the crowd is concerned.

  • At 8/28/2007 12:09 AM, Blogger jersey girl said…

    I owe that disgruntled former copy editor an e-mail. Thanks for reminding me.

    I would definitely consider a New Year's Eve date with the boss. I'd be wiling to deal with some yahoos for that.


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