wine by the color

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Pop quiz:

What three things do these movies have in common?

1) Blow
2) Million Dollar Baby
3) Brokeback Mountain
4) Gone Baby Gone

If you guessed: the last four movies Freakgirl and I have seen together in the theater, all quite depressing and all excellent, then you are a winner.

But if you're looking for a light comedy, I probably wouldn't invite yourself along to our next movie-going expedition.

Prior to the trip to the cinema house, Freakgirl and I hit a local diner. I knew this would be the first real test of my recent (and heretofore unmentioned) vow to not eat pizza or fries for one month.

Admittedly, I have my doubts as to whether I can accomplish this. I would estimate that one-quarter of the non-breakfast meals I have eaten in my lifetime have consisted of 1) pizza; 2) something with fries; or 3) peanut butter. But I just started a post-season diet-and-exercise plan and am thus getting up at 5:30 daily to hit the gym before work, so I figured the least I could do was try to complement the exercise with a better diet.

Not that I'm on a diet, mind you. I just wanted to see what would happen if I could eliminate two of the two less-than-healthy foods I eat most often. So while I wanted to order a grilled cheese and fries, I went with a grilled BBQ chicken sandwich with rice.

Of course, I was lured into McDonald's this morning thanks to a low-level hangover and the promise of a Sausage Biscuit (capitalized like the proper noun it is), so don't give me too much credit. But I'm trying.

And I'm going to a diner again tomorrow with The Sandman (because, quite frankly, if you're going to see Bon Jovi open The Rock, you might as well make it a totally Jersey night and eat at the diner) and expect to again be tested. I vow to be strong.

Speaking of peanut butter, I have had fewer relationships last longer than the one I’ve enjoyed with Jif Peanut Butter. Given my lifelong dislike of lunch meat, I ate the same sandwich for my 12 years of pre-collegiate education - peanut butter and jelly. I still eat them and in fact over the weekend had a rare but scrumptious fluffernutter. All made with Jif.

But given the diet-and-exercise plan, I decided it was time to try a healthier option. So after more than 30 years of loyalty to the fine folks at Jif, I turned to organic peanut butter.

Here’s a replay of how things went (and please note, I was having this conversation with myself) as I prepared my mid-morning snack of fiber-and-flax toast with organic peanut butter yesterday:

Me (upon opening the jar): "Hmm, it's very watery. And incredibly hard to stir the cement-like peanut butter underneath."
Me: “Hmm. This doesn’t taste great. Well, at least it's good for me."
Me (turning over jar): "Holy crap! This has 200 calories per serving. And it tastes like brown paste."
Me (heading to pantry): "Jif only has 190!"

So Jif, I apologize for straying. I have learned my lesson.


  • At 10/26/2007 9:54 AM, Blogger freakgirl said…

    Organic peanut butter is foul. Jif welcomes you back with open arms.

    There are certain things you just don't mess with. Peanut butter is one of them. The others are fat-free sour cream and fat-free cream cheese. NO. Reduced fat is edible, but fat-free is everything that is sick and wrong in the world.

    Have fun at Bon Jovi!!

    I think I could easily forgo fries for a month, but the pizza would be really difficult. Stay strong and in one month we'll go out and have pizza with fries on top.

  • At 10/29/2007 6:51 AM, Blogger jersey girl said…

    Actually, I think we could find something like that at the grease trucks at Rutgers.


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