wine by the color

Monday, March 31, 2008

I love a good road trip, but I doubt there is a less enjoyable vehicular adventure than driving across Connecticut (and this comes from someone who traveled the entirety of Pennsylvania at least 30 times during college, mostly in a four-cylinder Jeep without air conditioning).

Making today's journey even less pleasant was the cloudy, drizzly conditions that eliminated the lone potential highlight - the striking structure that is the Tappan Zee Bridge and the spectacular view up and down the Hudson as you drive across the span.

That left the Big Grab of Cool Ranch Doritos I bought en route the bright spot of today's drive. So yummy.

However, I vehemently disagree with their assessment that each bag contains three servings. I'd hate to think I could eat three servings of anything in such a short time.

Given the whirlwind of the past few days, I can barely remember what I had for breakfast today. However, while driving this afternoon, I was able to remember, word for word, an obscure rap from a New Edition song that was released in 1984.

Sometimes, I just don't know what to tell you.


  • At 4/01/2008 12:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Oh, how I remember the ride to OSU in the jeep......Can Sue drive a stickshift yet?

  • At 4/01/2008 7:41 PM, Blogger jersey girl said…

    Can't say, but that was some horrific driving. I don't know what we were thinking, having her drive through the hills of Lehigh in that thing.

  • At 4/02/2008 1:01 AM, Blogger MooseMan said…

    Clearly, we were under the influence.

  • At 4/02/2008 3:06 AM, Blogger Joependleton said…

    OK, JG, this is off the top of my head at 3 a.m.

    "Why you all getting down on me, trying to tell me how life is supposed to be. This time I'm gonna make it on my own, so why don't you fellas just leave me alone. Ronny, Bobby, Ricki and Mike, if I love the girl, who cares who you like.?

    Something, something, something roll, just COOL IT NOW, stay in controooooolllll.

    How's that?

  • At 4/02/2008 9:51 PM, Blogger Joe and Mel said…

    cool it nooooow, oooooo watch out!

  • At 4/02/2008 10:23 PM, Blogger jersey girl said…

    Ok, so apparently the song is not as obscure as I thought.

    Well done, kids.


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