wine by the color

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

The subject of an e-mail I received from American Express today announced: "Around the World by Private Jet‏."

Let Abercrombie & Kent take you on the luxury adventure of a lifetime. Visit Easter Island, Samoa, Sydney, Bangkok, Jaipur, Dubai, Cairo, and Seville aboard a private Boeing 757 reconfigured from 186 seats to 52 extended-recline seats.

During this exclusive 25-day voyage, American Express Cardmembers enjoy unmatched comfort and the services of an on-board chef who will make every meal a memorable experience. Space is limited for this journey of a lifetime, so book now!

Well that certainly piqued my interest. I wondered, can I use AmEx points for that?

No. No I cannot.

What I can use is $97,970. And if I want to travel with anyone, that will be another $97,970.

So I'm out unless MegaMillions hits tomorrow. But should you have an extra 97 grand sitting around, here's the full brochure. Happy travels.

It doesn't look like the round-the-world extravaganza stops in Alaska, which is unfortunate because those folks are going to miss their opportunity to attend this.

I could go a lot of ways with this one, but I will simply encourage you to visit the MySpace page for local chapter of the US Beard team, which is of course based in the other state, South Jersey. The song on their MySpace page sounds like something out of a South Park episode.

I think this says it all: just a bunch of guys that enjoy good times and growing facial hair

And BAM says there are no good men out there...


  • At 3/19/2008 7:45 AM, Blogger dph said…

    I thought the U.S. Beard Team would be comprised of people like Sen. Larry Craig's wife and Dina McGreevey.



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