wine by the color

Thursday, August 14, 2008

For those of you who have wondered if I planned to leave that photo of Favre in a Jets hat up there forever, no. Well, okay, yes, it did cross my mind.

But I've actually been on vacation for the past few days and doing a lot of this...

and as a result eating a lot of this...

so my computer time has been limited. More to come soon. Or maybe not. We'll see. I'm on vacation for another nine days.

(As an aside, might I say that if I were to watch a cow being marched to its death, I would never eat meat again. Never, ever. But I had no problem dropping that crab into a boiling death and eating it shortly thereafter. And smiling as I did it. Humanitarian of the Year, people. I'll let you know where you can submit my name.)


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