wine by the color

Thursday, December 11, 2008

And that brings us back to Halloween...

We started the day at Matthew's nursery school parade, which is amusing but really a circus of countless children and their aggressive photo-taking parents being shoved into a small, hot room. So, no pictures of that.

Then it was on to Adam's school parade, which was fortunately an outdoor affair. However, my oldest nephew was way too involved in the proceedings to really look at us as he marched by, so no pictures of him.

But his brother and sister were more than happy to mug for the camera...

Sweetie Pie Princess was much less interested in sitting still...

After school, following the traditional Halloween meal of hot dogs and beans, it was finally time for trick or treating. All SPP needs is a costume. Or pants...

Mario and Luigi are ready to go...

Classic moment between the two younger siblings. Matthew has clearly done something to raise SPP's ire. SPP is giving him some baby-profanity sass, and Matthew offers his sweetest "Who me?" look...

You try getting three antsy kids together for a photo moments before leaving the house for trick or treating...

The crazy trio with the twins next door...

Perfect trick-or-treating form...

Back home, SPP starts to crash from her day-long sugar high...

Her oldest brother, however, is still chock full of energy...

"Ah, candy..."

"I'll kiss you, Aunt Jersey Girl, but I am not taking my eyes off my candy, or anyone who might try to steal it..."

Lest you think this ends the photo dump, fear not! I still have pictures from our pumpkin picking outing, and then we can finally discuss my trip to the Bayou. I realize these aren't the timeliest of photo galleries. Just pretend I'm a Gannett newspaper (which, by the way, is still being delivered, despite having been canceled more than a week ago).


  • At 12/11/2008 8:16 AM, Blogger freakgirl said…


  • At 12/11/2008 1:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    How far are we going back with pictures, the birth of Christ?


  • At 12/11/2008 5:21 PM, Blogger Brooke said…

    The irony is, of course, that those of us who (once) paid for the newspaper rarely get it.

    And really, the kids are awesome. Haven't met them, of course, but they seem like a helluva lot of fun.

  • At 12/12/2008 4:34 PM, Blogger jersey girl said…

    They are really great. Three absolute characters. Must run in the family. :)

    And BB, we are about to discuss my visit to see His Holiness' homeland, so in a way you could say that...


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