wine by the color

Tuesday, January 06, 2009




I challenge anyone to match that disastrous trifecta of sports support in the past four months...


  • At 1/06/2009 7:05 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Almost chocked on my morning oatmeal when I read that.


  • At 1/06/2009 7:09 AM, Blogger jersey girl said…

    I almost choked someone last night...

  • At 1/06/2009 10:17 AM, Blogger Brooke said…

    You have my sympathies -- I was rooting for the Buckeyes last night.

  • At 1/06/2009 10:56 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Frankly, I think they did a nice job easily covering the spread.

    With all due respect to Buckeye nation, the Big Ten bowl's bowl record this year shows how the quality (or lack thereof) of the conference.

  • At 1/06/2009 2:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…



    Nittany Lions.


  • At 1/06/2009 6:39 PM, Blogger jersey girl said…

    Lake, that is an equally depressing trifecta...

  • At 1/06/2009 7:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Unfortunately, as a life long Cubs fan, I can never really expect it to get too much better!

  • At 1/06/2009 11:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Indians, Browns and yes, Buckeyes!

    Lake may have me beat with the Cubs.

    Which reminds me of a fan behind me in the last row of the upper deck at Browns' Stadium several years ago who bemoaned, "God, why do you smite me and make me a Browns' fan." To which I replied, "Because there are already enough Cubs fans!" True Story. There's always next year...


  • At 1/07/2009 1:29 AM, Blogger SJPSandman said…

    Here's the difference between being a Mets/Jets fan vs. a Cubs/Browns fan:

    The Mets and Jets have given many of their fans a taste of success (depending on how old you are). I was 12 when the Mets won the series in '86, and ust as big a fan as I am today -- though am admittedly too young to have been around for Superbowl III.

    The Browns have never won shit, and the Cubs haven't won anything in 101 years.

    So is ignorance bliss, or is it better to have loved and lost then never to have loved at all?

    But what really rings truest in this comparison is that while the Cubs and Browns have been murderous on their fans, the Mets and Jets are masters of getting our hopes up only to deliver a swift kick to the nads at the last possible moment.

    The Cubs made the playoffs this season and were beaten handily, without much drama, while the Browns haven’t sniffed the postseason in eons.

    And while I’ll grant you that Steve Bartman shit in 2003 was pretty brutal, try losing a NLCS Game 7 at home in a tilt they had total control over (Mets 2006), then blow a Major-League record seven-game lead with 17 games to go like the Mets did in 2007, and then follow that up with another major choke job a year later.

    At least the Cubs space out their heartbreaks.

    And the Jets, forget it. I think in our heart of hearts, we Jets fans knew they wouldn’t make the playoffs after beating Tennessee and New England. I, for one, was anything but surprised.

  • At 1/07/2009 11:11 AM, Blogger Brooke said…

    I'm a Pirates fan. The only thing that mitigates my pain is being a Steelers fan and a sometime Penguins fan.

  • At 1/07/2009 11:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I have to give it to you Sandman - having never seen the Cubs win, each year's disappointment is easier because I expect it. Having lived through many Cowboy wins, each year's disappointment lately hits harder because I really do have hope they MIGHT be able to pull it out.


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