wine by the color

Saturday, November 08, 2008

My mother bought my dad a sweet 16g iPod Nano for his birthday a few weeks ago. There was just one problem - a joint lack of technological skill in their house that would result in music successfully being placed on the new toy. So I volunteered to do it, figuring I would save myself 380 phone calls.

When I asked what music he wanted on it, he listed four artists: Otis Redding, Elton John, John Fogarty and Elvis. Imagine his surprise when I gave it back to him today and there were 896 songs on it. His four requested artists were well represented, along with about 120 more, from everyone from Peter, Paul and Mary and Bruce Springsteen to the Ohio State marching band.

Fortunately, with the difficult music-loading process handled, I should be able to handle any future tech calls from their seaside compound.

I spent the day with Sweetie Pie Princess, a lovely way to pass an otherwise gloomy, rainy day. We drove down to my parents' house and went out for lunch. While driving down, we were listening to one of New York's dance stations and she was just rocking out to the tunes (including a disturbing enthusiam for New Kids on the Block). I have to get her on video. She is a pisser.

Quick pop quiz...which of the following occurred earlier as I made a chocolatey dessert for tomorrow's tailgate:

1) I burned the chocolate during the melting process.
2) I burned my hand as a result of the burning chocolate.
3) I flooded the kitchen while trying to quell the burning pots situation.
4) I threw out the first attempt and started over.
5) All of the above.

Oh, you know the answer...


Some random thoughts for a quiet Saturday night...

It is impossible to watch Justin Long in those Mac commercials now and not think of his appearance in "Zack and Miri." Glengarry Glen Ross, indeed. Oh, and as a public service announcement, should you wisely opt to view the porn movie, do not leave when the credits start. And prepare to be gloriously offended.

I can't say it broke my heart to watch Penn State lose today, although I do feel bad that some of my favorite people are sad tonight. But this probably assures that the Big Ten will not have to suffer the embarrassment of another BCS championship blowout.

My younger nephew headbutted me square in the nose this morning and I cannot remember the last time I was in so much pain (including the burning chocolate debacle). I tried to underplay it because he felt bad enough. But more than 12 hours later, my nose is still sore and a bit swollen. Long-time WBTC readers know I'm no stranger to nose injuries, but this was a doozy.

Now that a six-pound bag of Nestle's chocolate chips is sitting on the counter, I realize it's comically large. That's what happens at Costco. You walk along and think, Wow, what a bargain. Of COURSE I'll use six pounds of chocolate chips in the next few weeks.

I can't explain why, but my work e-mail has been sending itself a variety of spam lately. Some of the subject lines: Amaze her with your hot rod; Make love, save the future; We got your home video; Michelle Obama cheats with McCane (sic); 1000 watts of pure pleasure. At least I'm amusing myself, even as I risk getting myself fired.

There is an excellent story in this week’s Sports Illustrated. It’s a letter from SI’s great baseball writer, Tom Verducci, to MLB Commissioner Bud Selig, with some suggestions on how to fix the World Series. Verducci hits the nail on the head repeatedly, and I particularly enjoyed his eloquent recommendation to "Screw neutral sites." That is one of the dumbest ideas I've ever heard and Selig should be put in front of a firing squad if that ever happens.

I have had some highly enjoyable Friday nights lately. A few weeks ago BAM and I went out for happy hour and wound up closing the establishment, and last night I met a group of girlfriends for dinner, which turned into a boisterous, four-hour affair.

And that is one of the reasons that although it's not 10 p.m., I have to go to bed. I have been running at full throttle lately and I am exhausted. And I have a date with His Holiness and several hours of grilled meat and cocktails tomorrow...


  • At 11/09/2008 12:59 PM, Blogger Brooke said…

    Thanks for the sympathy. I might like it when we beat Ohio State, but I always have respect for the Buckeyes (minus the Cooper years).

    Michigan, on the other hand ... I'm pretty sure we feel the same way.

  • At 11/09/2008 9:11 PM, Blogger jersey girl said…

    Yeah, I have no hatred for Penn State. I save it all for Michigan (sorry, Wendy).

    While I didn't have a lot of love for Cooper as a coach, he was a terrific person. Always super to deal with when I covered the team.

  • At 11/10/2008 11:44 PM, Blogger scott goodman said…

    that's funny....the name of my last book was "Amaze her with your hot rod; Make love, save the future; We got your home video"

  • At 11/11/2008 10:09 AM, Blogger jersey girl said…

    I think I saw that on the NY Times' best seller list...


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